
Extremely Sturdy Summer Work Gloves for stable garden house

Item number R01666-7
RON 34.80 *
Content 1 pair
within 24 - 48 hours
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* Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

Summer Work Gloves

These sturdy, water-proof gloves are perfectly suited for all work around stable, garden, house etc.

Haul a water bucket or repair a fence, these extremely hardwearing work gloves offer perfect protection for your hands. The polyester material of these comfortable gloves is water-proof and the palm is gummed.

• Perfect grip with gummed palm
• soft lining
• water-proof outer material

1 pair



(A) Width of hand palm ca. cm
(B) Length of middle finger ca. cm

Size 6 - A 8,5 cm - B 7,5 cm
Size 7 - A ca. 9 cm - B ca. 8 cm
Size 8 - A ca. 10 cm - B ca. 8,5 cm
Size 9 - A ca. 10 cm - B ca. 9 cm
Size 10 - A ca. 11 cm - B ca. 9,5 cm

knitted polyester with nitril covering

*picture similar

NOTICE: there could be small differences between the colour in the picture and the original colour caused by different incidence of light, brillance of the monitor, contrast adjustments etc.

These sturdy, water-proof gloves are perfectly suited for all work around stable, garden, house etc.
Haul a water bucket or repair a fence, these extremely hardwearing work gloves offer perfect protection for your hands
The polyester material of these comfortable gloves is water-proof and the palm is gummed
Characteristics: Perfect grip with gummed palm - soft lining - water-proof outer material
Quantity: 1 pair - Material: knitted polyester with nitril covering - Sizes and measures see product description below

Condition New
Content 1 pair
Weight 66 g
Dimensions 0×0×0 mm